Identifying AOL's Time

I've spent a lot of time thinking about my areas of learning this last couple of weeks. Thinking is a large part of this and I often find I lack time to get things down on paper so I've been recording things as voice notes. I find it much easier to record my often scattered thoughts whilst driving (I have an hour commute from home to work.) this seems to be the time when my mind settles on subjects and I can then come back to the ramblings and make more sense of my thoughts.

As a result of this I've started to think that time and my management has had a large impact on my career and development to date. I've thought a lot about the how I used my time differently over the years and in different situations and what impact this has had.

I find it an interesting topic with a lot of potential layers to it. Time management has had an impact on how I plan, how I deliver a session, create a piece etc. Just thinking of one example:

Creating a piece for young people when there is a deadline (performance based or otherwise) verses creating for the sake of creating. I often find looking back when I am given a deadline I create very differently, I like the thought of having something to work towards and where some people may find this limiting, I find it allows me to collect my thoughts together and create more instinctively. Although its great to have the freedom of time to create I do wonder if this perhaps is too free and I need the "deadline" to be able to define and create an end product.

How do other people think about their time and the impact it has on various activities, moments in your career? I'd be interested to hear other peoples thoughts.


  1. Like you, I use car time to think through things. What app do you use for recording? I've been looking for one. And I do appreciate having a deadline, but not tight ones. I really don't work well under time pressure.

    1. Hi Hannah, I use an app called voice recorder. It's a free one and you can record directly into it and then save in different folders etc. Really easy to use. I just set it on record when i get in the car and talk through my thoughts. Thanks for your thoughts on time limits as well. Hope things are going well for you. How are you finding it so far?


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